REvitalisation of Sustainable Tourism Across Regions in The MEDiterranean - RESTART MED! –is a project co-funded by the European Union through the Programma ENI CBC MED and coordinated by CISP.
It is a two-year capitalisation project (September 2021 - August 2023) addressing the crucial role of the tourism sector in the Mediterranean in the post-Covid-19 era and intends to consolidate sustainable tourism products and best practices as tools for socio-economic development, social inclusion and employment creation in the most deprived areas of the Mediterranean.
In particular, the project will promote, expand and highlight the results achieved and the actors involved in sustainable tourism projects previously implemented in the Mediterranean basin. Restart Med! widens the view of tourism in lesser-known destinations with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises and local communities, as well as sectors such as adventure tourism, slow tourism, gamification, gastronomy, cultural heritage, etc.
Coordinated by CISP, the project is implemented by a partnership of six organisations: Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (BCC) and Catalan Tourism Board (CTB) in Spain, American University of Beirut (UAB ) in Lebanon, Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) in Jordan, and World Wildlife Fund Mediterranean North Africa (WWF - MNA) in Tunisia.
Budget: € 1.1 million
European contribution: € 1 million (90%)
Website: www.enicbcmed.eu/restartmed
Twitter: @restart_med
Instagram: @restart_med
For further information
Deborah Rezzoagli, Project Coordinator